Freechild Institute Courses

Powerful, engaging and effective learning for youth-serving people including youth workers, educators, government staff and others.

The Freechild Institute partners with K-12 schools, nonprofits, government agencies and others to facilitate courses—including workshops, trainings, retreats, seminars, speeches and more—for all kinds of adult learners focused on effectively, meaningfully and powerfully supporting young people. Following are our courses and more information.

1. Modern Youth Leadership

Focused on engaging every youth as a leader, everywhere, all of the time, this course provides a substantial launching point for diversity, equity and justice through new youth engagement. This course offers inspirational, motivational and innovative approaches to making a new world for every young person.

2. Democracy Deficit Disorder

Centered on the book Democracy Deficit Disorder by Fletcher and McDermott, this course builds knowledge and skills focused on young people and adults working together to transform organizations and society in positive, powerful ways. Participants gain practical insight and new ways of thinking.

3. Meaningful Youth Involvement

The practice of infusing youth voice, youth action, youth/adult partnerships and youth equity throughout organizations doesn’t just happen. We combine research, experience and action to teach frameworks, share examples and build a movement in schools, nonprofits, government and beyond.

4. Youth Work 101

Our introduction to youth work course has taught thousands the basics of positive youth development, co-learning with youth, youth voice and much more. Focused on practical action, its vital for people who are new to these efforts.

5. Facing Adultism

Addressing discrimination against youth directly, this course shows where, when and why adultism matters. Exploring more than 50 years research and advocacy, participants examine their own beliefs, structural realities and social expectations that keep young people subject to oppression and more. This course also features meaningful, positive ways to face adultism throughout our lives, organizations, systems, communities and more.

6. Student Engagement

Focused on Adam F.C. Fletcher’s 2023 article for Principal Magazine, this course builds in-depth knowledge, fosters significant skills and invests serious new abilities in classroom teachers, education assistants and other learning professionals in K-12 schools. Research-driven tools, deep stories and practical planning make this an essential professional development opporunity.

"Adam Fletcher is a captivating, engaging presenter." —Pat Johnson, Arizona Dairy Council

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